Thursday, September 11, 2008

Microscope User's Guide


   Mechanical Adjustments


   1.  Turn the condenser knob all the way up

   2.  Turn the fine focus knob to mid range

   3.  Adjust left and right oculars to 64 

   4.  Move blue filter into place

   5.  Rotate the 4x objective into place

   6.  Turn on microscope

   7.  Turn rheostat dial to 10 

   8.  Place specimen on stage and secure stage clips

   9.  Use XY controls to adjust specimen so light is passing through it               (opening the iris provides more light 

       and makes it easier to line-up the specimen)

  10.  * REMEMBER* to close the iris, always do this before looking                     through the oculars.

  11. Raise the stage as high as it can go by turning the coarse focus knob        clockwise


    Viewing Adjustments 


   12.  Adjust the oculars  in and out until you see one image 

   13.  Looking through the microscope slowly adjust the coarse focus                 until image comes into view

   14.  Use fine focus to create a sharper image

   15.  Now you can center your specimen by using the XY controls again

   16. To view specimen under other objectives 10x, 40x, etc., rotate                objective into place and repeat steps: 13,14,15 * As

          magnification increases, opening the iris slightly might be helpful.  

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BLEAH said...
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