Friday, December 12, 2008

Ethical Essay

Population vs Resources

With population growth at exponential rates, the question of who should reproduce can bring up more questions than answers. World population is currently increasing at a rate of nearly 75 million each year. Should we place limits on growth? Although we are creating fewer offspring in the US, there are more of us which accounts for the growth in population. As evidenced in China, the one child per couple campaign helped to curb population growth, but their yearly growth still exceeds 12 million per year. 

Statistics generally indicate lower birthrates in developed countries and higher rates in developing countries. The higher rate of birth is associated with many factors. Lack of education about family planning and birth control methods, lifestyles that compliment larger families, or high infant mortality rates are some of the reasons. In some places the high incidence of infant mortality is offset by higher birth rates because of the eventual fear of losing a child. Thus in some areas birth rates actually exceed high mortality rates. As population density increases it's needs for resources inceases, and the greater the population the more competition there is for resources. As a result some countries have advocated incentives for parents with one or two children and others have suggested raising the marriage age. 

Contrary to statistics of developed countries, the US has one of the highest natural population increases for industrialized nations with no relief in sight. The US is also the largest energy consumer in the world in terms of total use. This impacts our immediate as well as the global environment. It is said that a typical US child will consume the equivalent of 300 children in Ethiopia. This brings to question the environmental impact of populations in regards to quality as opposed to quantity. 

According to the scientific community consensus on carrying capacity greatly vary. Some claim that carrying capacity should be tossed out altogether because the increase in population will provide the creativity and innovation to support this increase or that technology will keep pace with these dilemmas. 

From an ecological viewpoint some countries are challenging their biological capacities. The addition of another individual doubles the environmental footprint placed on the environment. That is the amount of land it takes to support a person's lifestyle. Because resources are essentially limited, how will we account for this increase in population.

There are many sides to this issue and some experts propose that the overuse and decay of resources is a natural process that will eventually correct itself. Others suggest that extinction is also a natural process of the cycle, as it has happened numerous times before. 

As evidenced from different perspectives, both population and energy consumption impact the environmet. Because of this it would seem beneficial that both the management of resources and the management of population growth be looked at to ensure the sustainability of life on this planet.  The ways we use our resources and treat our waste products will affect our quality of life. For instance, our demand to grow food in large quantities has benefited us by having a readily available food source and yet some methods also endanger the soil environment which can conversely reduce yields. Thus, careful use of our resources and controlling population growth both have important roles to ensure lasting resources for future generations.

As population and alteration of resources have contributed to pollution and other unwanted environmental effects, complex issue arise that are intertwined in politics, economic, cultural, and social affairs. Many issues related to these factors will continue to affect our lives. Given the current trends it is unlikely that a reversal can occur without some intervention.Therefore steps to avert depletion and over-consumption will continue to be an area of growing concern. 


Self Evaluation

What were the three aspects of the assignments I've submitted that I am most proud of?

The species lab assignment, because it offered a different way of viewing our immediate environment. The chapter on fetal development, because it is an interesting topic and the compendium reviews because it pulls everything together. 

What two aspects of  my submitted assignments do I believe could have used some improvement? 

It is difficult to load photos sometimes and figuring out where they will end up on the page. 

What do I believe my overall grade should be for this  unit?

I hope to get a A- or B+.

How could I perform better in the next unit?

There isn't another unit, but hypothetically it would be preparation.

At what moment during this unit did you feel most engaged with the course?

Putting together the concepts from the textbook and the powerpoint slides.

At what moment did you feel most distanced from the course?

Had difficulty opening some pages.

What action that anyone (teacher or student) took during this unit that  you find most affirming and helpful?

The learning center staff were helpful. Saved pages on the Yavapai drive came up blank on my home computer.

What action that anyone (teacher or student) took during this unit did you find most puzzling or confusing?

I didn't experience this. 

What about this unit surprised you the most? (This could be something about your own reactions to the course, something that someone did, or anything else that occurs to you.)

The complexity and interrelatedness of living organisms on this planet.

Compendium Unit 4 Part I

Reproductive System

I.   Human Life Cycle

II.  Male Reproductive System

III. Female Reproductive System

IV. Female Hormone Levels

V.  Control of Reproduction

VI. Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Fetal Development 

I.   Fertilization

II.  Pre-Embryonic and Embryonic Development

III. Fetal Developement

IV. Pregnancy and Birth

V. Development After Birth

Reproductive System

I.   Human Life Cycle

The reproductive system in males and females is fully functional once puberty is complete. This occurs between 14-16 in boys and 11-13 in girls. At this time the individual is able to produce procreate.

In males the reproductive organs or genitals produce sperm in the testes and in females eggs are produced in the ovaries. The sperm travels in ducts which exit the penis. In females the eggs in the uterine tube are transported to the uterus. The penis delivers the sperm to the female vagina during intercourse. In the uterus the fertilized egg develops within the females body.

 The sex hormones produced by the testes and the ovaries affect the features of masculinization and feminization, and other function such as the continuation of pregnancy.

Cell division occurs in the human life cycle as mitosis and meiosis. Mitosis is duplication division meaning the cells carry the same amount of 46 chromosomes when duplicated. Meiosis is reduction division. The cells divide and have half the chromosomes which means 23. Meiosis takes place in the testes to produce sperm and  in ovaries to produce eggs. As the sperm unites with the egg the 23 pairs of chromosomes from the sperm and egg form a zygote that has 46 chromosomes in total.    

II.  Male Reproductive System

 The male reproductive system consists of a pair of testes which are suspended within the scrotum and a network of excretory ducts (epididymis, ductus deferens (vas deferens), and ejaculatory ducts), seminal vesicles, the prostate, the bulbourethral glands, and the penis. Sperm cells pass through the ducts as they leave the testes and move through the urethra.

The epididymis is a tightly coiled tube where the sperm matures and the ductus deferens or vas deferens is where the sperm is stored. The vas deferens curves and empties into the ejaculatory ducts leading to the urethra. The urethra then extends from the urinary bladder to the urethral orifice at the tip of the penis. From this passageway is where sperm and fluids for reproduction and urine from the bladder moves out of the body.

Upon ejaculation sperm leaves the penis in a fluid called semen. Secretions are added from the seminal vesciles, the prostate gland, and the bolbourethral glands.  The seminal fluid contains the sugar fructose that is an energy source for sperm.

The male sexual organ the penis is  the organ of sexual intercourse. The penis includes the shaft, the glans and the foreskin. In a circumcision the foreskin is removed. The male deposits semen into the vagina during intercourse. The penis contains erectile tissue that engorges with blood during sexual arousal resulting in an erection. As sexual stimulation intensifies rhythmic muscle contractions cause the penis to ejaculate. The expulsion of seminal fluid are part of male orgasm. The sensation is centered in the brain but the physical reactions involve the genitals and entire body. 

There can be over 400 million sperm cells in semen that is ejaculated.

The testes which produce sperm and sex hormones lie outside the body within the scrotum. The scrotum regulates the temperature.

Spermatogenesis takes place in the seminiferous tubules. During production spermatogonia divide to produce primary spermatocytes that undergo meiosis I to produce secondary spermatocytes carrying 23 chromosomes. They then undergo meiosis II to produce four spermatids each  with 23 chromosomes. The spermatids then become sperm.

Each sperm cell has three parts: a head, middle piece, and tail. An acrosome at the head produces enzymes which helps penetrate the female ovum. Mitochondria in the middle provides energy for movement of the tail. Ejaculated semen contain several hundred million sperm of which only one needs to enter the egg of a female.  Andogens or male sex hormones are called interstitial cells because they are secreted by cells between the seminiferous tubules.

III. Female Reproductive System

The organs of the female reproductive system produce and sustain the female sex cells called ova, transport these cells to a site where they may be fertilized by sperm, provide a favorable environment for the developing fetus, move the fetus to the outside at the end of the development period, and produce the female sex hormones. The female reproductive system includes the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina, and external genitals. Ovaries are a pair of sex organs that reside in the pelvis on each side of the uterus. Ovaries produce ova (egg cells) and the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone. The genital tract includes the oviducts, uterus, and fallopian tubes. The oviduct also called fallopian tubes include two tubes which extend from the uterus to the ovaries. At the end of the ovaries is a funnel shaped finger like projection called fimbriae. When an egg bursts from an ovary during ovulation, it  moves into an oviduct by the action of the fimbriae and the beating of cilia that lines the oviducts. Once in the oviducts, the egg is moved along by ciliary movement and the peristaltic action of the muscle in the tubes toward the uterus.  An egg lives from 6-24 hours. Thus fertilization or zygote formation takes place in the tubes. A developing embryo arrives at the uterus after several days. Implantation occurs when the embryo embeds in the uterine lining.

The uterus is a muscular organ about the size and shape of an inverted pear. It receives the fertilized egg and provides an appropriate environment for the developing fetus. After childbirth, the uterus is usually larger, then gets smaller after menopause. Development of the embryo or fetus normally takes place in the uterus, The womb accomodates for the growing fetus and is able to stretch to the width of 5cm. The lining of the uterus is called the endometrium which is involved in the formation of the placenta. The opening in the cervix leads to the vagina a fibromuscular tube that extends to the outside. The vagina serves as the passageway for menstrual flow, intercourse, and the birth canal during childbirth.

The external genitals are referred to as the vulva. It includes the labia majora, mons pubis, labia minora, and clitoris. The labia minora are two folds that lye inside the labia majora and extend the the vaginal opening to form the clitoris. The clitoris is the organ of sexual arousal in females.

In females, orgasm culminates in uterine and oviduct contractions, however a woman can become pregnant without having an orgasm.

IV. Female Hormone Levels

The hormones estrogen, and progesterone have important roles in the function of the reproductive system. Hormone levels cycle in the female on a monthly basis.

The non pregnant ovarian cycle includes six stages. As the follicle matures, layers of follicle cells surround a secondary oocyte. The mature follicle then ruptures in a process known as ovulation and a secondary oocyte is released. The follicle then becomes the corpus luteum, and eventually disintergrates. During oogenesis, the chromosome number is reduced to 23. The ovarian cycle is controlled by homones. During the first half of the cycle, FSH from the pituitary causes maturation of a follicle that secretes estrogen and progesterone, and after ovulation LH  converts the follicle into corpus luteum.

The non pregnant uterine cycle takes place simultaneously with the ovarian cycle.  This cycle begins with the follicular phase when FSH is released promoting the maturation of a follicle in the ovary. The ovarian follicle produces increasing levels of estrogen causing the endometrium to rebuild. Ovulation occurs on the 14th day of a 28 day cycle. After ovulation LH promotes the development of the corpus luteum. As a result progesterone is produced by the corpus luteum causing the endometrium to thicken and become secretory and a low level of hormones causes the endometrium to break down as mentruation begins. If pregnany were to occur the corpus luteum does not regress but is maintained and secretes increasing amounts of progesterone, thus menstruation does not occur and the uterine lining is maintained.


V.  Control of Reproduction

There are various birth control methods and devices which include birth control pills, diaphragm, and condom. They vary in effectiveness, so the most reliable form is abstinence. Surgical methods include vasectomy in males and tubal litigation in females.

Infertility is the inability of couples to achieve pregnancy. Assisted reproductive technologies include artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, gamete intrafallopian transfer, surrogate mothers, and intracytoplasmic sperm injection.

VI. Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases are caused by viruses, bacteria, protists, fungi, and animals. As an example HIV is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus and genital warts by the human papillomavirus, genital herpes by the herpes simplex virus type 2, and hepatitis by the hepatitis virus. Bacteria causes include chlamydia, gonnorrhea, and syphilis. In addition two other bacterial infections include bacterial vaginosis caused by gardnerella vaginalis and trichomoniasis caused by candida albicans.  

Fetal Development

I.   Fertilization

The first cell of an individual forms upon the union of a sperm and a egg to form a zygote, this is known as fertilization. The zygote contains all the genetic info necessary, including half from the mother and half from the father. As the sperm swims toward and implants in the egg of the female, the head of the sperm containing a nucleus fuses with the egg nucleus. As a result the zygote is formed by the cytoplasm and organelles of only the mother. During fertilization a single sperm first drawn into the egg by microvilli of its plasma membrane. The enzymes from the acrosome help the sperm makes it's way through the zona pellucida. The zona pellucida is surrounded by layers of follicular cells called corona radiata. These cells thus nourish the egg when it is in the follicle of the ovary. 

During fertilization, several sperm penetrate the corona radiata,, and several attempt to penetrate the zona apellucida, but only one can enter the egg. After the head of the sperm fuses to the zona pellucida, it releases an enzyme that creates a pathway for the sperm to enter the egg. Polyspermy is the entrance of more than one sperm. This is prevented by the depolarization of the egg's plasma membrane. A s the sperm touches an egg's plasma membrane, it depolarizes from 265 mV to 10mV preventing the binding of other sperm cells. further, the release of enzymes by vescicles called cortical granules cause the zona pellucida to become ad inpenetrable membrane.

II.  Pre-Embryonic and Embryonic Development

The processes involved in embryonic development include cleavage, growth, morphogenesis, and differentiation. Cleavage happens immediately after fertilization, as the zygote begins to divide. Increase in size does not occur. Cell division is mitotic as each cell duplicates with a full set of chromomsomes and genes. Growth takes place as the daughter cells grow in size, and morphogenesis occurs as the embryo takes various shapes. As the cells take on specific structures and functions this is known as differentiation. 

The development of the embryo in the uterus is accomplished by the functions of the extraembryonic membranes. These include the chorion, allantois, yolk sac, and amnion. The function of the chorion is to provide oxygen, nutrients, and take away wastes. It develps into half of the placenta and the blood vessels within the chorionic villi are contonuous with the umbilical blood vessels. The allantois extends away from the embryo. It accumulates the urine produced by the fetus and the blood vessels become the umbilical blood vessels. The umbilical arteries carry O2 poor blood to the placenta and O2 rich blood to the from the placenta. In humans the yolk sac is the first site of blood cell formation and contains plentiful blood vessels. As in shelled animals with a yolk, the placenta takes on the functions of a yolk. And last, the amnion cushions the embryo as it enlarges and the fluid within insulates it from cold and heat.

The stages of embryonic development include the events that occur from fertilization to birth. The gestation period calculated by adding 280 days to the start of the last menstruation. The period known as pre-embyonic development include the events of the first week. In the first week  the zygote divides as it passes from the oviduct to the uterus. This compact ball of embryonic cells called a morula. As the morula further divides the formation of a small cavity appears between cells so there is a inner cell mass surrounded by an outer layer of cells. At this point it is called a blastocyst, however the size has not increased. The inner mass becomes the embryo and the outer becomes the chorion. If the cells of the morula separate, or the inner mass splits and two embryos are present, identical twins with exactly the same chromosomes result. subsequently two different eggs create fraternal twins.

Embryonic development starts from the second week and lasts till the end of the second month. When implantation is successful pregnancy begins. The chorion secretes a hormone that is detected in pregnancy tests called HCG and helps in maintaining the corpus luteum. With progression the inner cell mass becomes the embryonic disk.

Two more extraembryonic membranes form and the amniotic cavity surrounds the embryo as it develops. This event is called gastrulation an example of morphogenesis, as in this case to become tissue layers called the primary germ layers. This process is completed when the disk becomes an embryo with three primary layers; the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. In the third week the organ systems start to develop and the nervous system is the first to be visible. In the third week the heart begins to form. By the fourth week a body stalk, the future umbilical cord, connects the embryo to the chorion and the fourth extraembryonic membrane, the allantois lies within the body stalk in which it's blood vessels become the umbilical blood vessels and eventually the umbilical cord. In the fifth week limb buds form, the head enlarges, and the sense organs are more visible. The embryo takes on recognizable human features during the six through eighth weeks. With brain development, the head becomes proportional to the the body and a neck develops. Also reflexes along with the nervous system develop. However this all occurs in an embryo the approximate size of an aspirin.            

III. Fetal Development

The hormones at this time function to prevent new follicles from developing, and help to maintain the endometrium and the cessation of menstruation. The blood of the fetus and mother do not mix and the carbon dioxide and wastes move from the fetal side to the maternal side, as the nutrients and oxygen move from the maternal side to the fetus by diffusion. At this time, harmful chemicals can cross the placenta. Of particular importance, there are sensitive periods during which an organ or part is susceptible to substances that can alter it's normal function. 

The umbilical arteries and vein connect the fetus to the mother. The umbilical vein carrying blood rich nutrients enters the liver, merges and with the inferior vena cava 

of the mother. The blood moves to the left atrium, left ventricle, then to the aorta. Oxygen poor blood enters the right atrium and is pumped into the pulmonary trunk, and through the arterial duct it enters the right atrium.

The development of the fetus includes the third through the ninth months of development. In the third month head growth slows and the body begins to increase in size, and external refinements such as fingernails, eyelashes, nipples, eyebrows, and hair appear. Bone is replaced by cartilage in a process called ossification. This process  completes about 18 to 20 years of age. 

Around the third month the presence of the SRY gene forms either male or female genitals. In the fourth month the heartbeat can be heard through a stethoscope. By the fifth through the seventh month the mother can feel movement. The skin is covered by a down called lanugo and a greasy white substance known as vernix caseosa. The eyelids can now open.

By nine months the fetus is near term. Term babies have the have a better chance of survival compared to premature babies. And the fetus usually rotates it's head toward the cervix in preparation for birth. If the baby does not turn, a breech birth occurs in which a cesarean section is needed for delivery.        

IV. Pregnancy and Birth

Hormonal changes can cause fluctuations in energy levels, and the mother may experience fatigue, nausea, vomiting, or loss of appetite. Weight gain occurs due to the mother's own internal changes and the addition of the fetus. Major changes due to placental hormones affect physiological changes. Progesterone relaxes the arteries lowering blood pressure and aldosterone promotes sodium and water retention. Blood volume also increases as cardiac output increases. This  increases blood flow to the kidneys, placenta, skin, and breasts. 

Changes also occur in pulmonary values, such as a 405 increase in vital capacity and tidal volume. Improvements appear in respiratory functions. Levels of oxygen change slightly but carbon dioxide decrease as much as 20%.

Other affects include compression from the enlarged uterus resulting in bladder incontinence and edema or varicose veins due to decreases in venous return. Also, peptide hormones which induce insulin resistance can induce pregnancy related diabetes.

Childbirth normally occurs at the end of the pregnancy period. Toward the end of this period contractions become more stronger and frequent. Labor is evident when contractions happen every 15-20 minutes and last longer than 40 seconds. the stretching of the cevix can release oxytocin. The contractions in the uterus pushs the fetus downward as the crevix continues to stretch. This process repeats until birth.

There are three stages to birth. In the first stage of contractions the baby's head helps to dilate the cervix and if the amniotic mambrane ruptures the fluid that leaks is known as "breaking water". This stage ends when the cervix is fully dilated. In the second stage the head appears. After the rest of the body emerges the umbilical cord is cut. In the third stage known as afterbirth, the placenta is expelled.

V. Development After Birth

In humans, development continues throughout life. The stages of life include infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. The latter half of adulthood is characterized by aging. This process of progressive changes can increase the risk of illnesses, disease, and death. The study of gerontology, or aging seeks to increase the health of individuals in their latter years.  


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Embryonic and Fetal Development Lab


Week 1 Fetilization- The sperm and egg join also known as conception. (Not embryonic stage yet)

Week 2 The embryonic disk forms. Gastrulation

Week 3-Early formation of the central nervous system, backbone and spinal column has begun. Major organs are starting to develop.  

          Week 5-heart begins to beat. The brain has developed into 5 areas and some cranial nerves are visible.             Arm and leg buds are visible and the formation of the eyes, lips, and nose has begun. The spinal cord                 grows.The placenta begins to provide nourishment for the embryo.

Week 7

Week 7-Major organs have all begun to form. The embryo has developed its own blood type, unique from the mother’s. Hair follicles and nipples form and knees and elbows are visible. Facial features are also observable. The eyes have a retina and lens. The major muscle system is developed and the embryo is able to move.

Week 8- The embryo is reactive to its environment inside the amniotic sac where it swims and moves. Hands and feet can be seen. At the end of week 8, the embryonic period is over and the fetal stage begins.

Week 13-16

The brain is fully developed and the fetus can suck, swallow, and make irregular breathing sounds. Eyebrows and eyelashes appear and the fetus makes active movements including kicks and even some somersaults.

Week 20-“Quickening” (when the mother can feel the fetus moving) usually occurs around this time. Finger and toenails appear. Lanugo, a fine hair now covers the entire body. The fetus can hear and recognize the mother’s voice. Sex organs are visible on ultrasound devices.

week 25-28

Rapid brain development occurs during this period and the nervous system is able to control some bodily functions. The fetus’ eyelids now open and close. At 25 weeks there is a 60% chance of survival if born. The fetus is considered legally viable at 28 weeks and there is a 90% chance of survival if born at this point.

Term Pregnancy

Week 36-37 

Most babies will be in a head down position at this point. However, about 4% of the babies will be breech.

Pregnancy is considered a "term" pregnancy at this point and nothing will be done to stop labor in most circumstances. You should plan to take a tour of your birth facility if you have not previously. If you are having a home birth try to invite everyone over for a quick run through of what you expect.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Compendium Unit IV-Part II


Human Evolution

I.   Origin of Life

II.  Biological Evolution

III. Classification  of Humans

IV. Evolution   of Hominoids

V.  Evolution of Humans

Global Ecology and Human Inferences

I.   The Nature of Ecosystems

II.  Energy Flow

III. Global Biochemical Cycles

Human Population, Planetary Resources, and Conservation

I.   Human Population Growth

II.  Human Use of Resources and Pollution

III. Biodiversity

IV. Working Toward a Sustainable Society

Human Evolution

I.   Origin of Life

Deep time evolutionary history stretches back billions of years. It is only within the past several millions of years that human like life forms appeared. The earliest forms of life found by carbon dating appeared around 3.8 billion years ago. As oxygen levels rose due to photosynthetic activity new life forms evolved. Use of carbon by life forms to make energy releasing oxygen lead to the appearance of complex cells. The presence of molecules of life leads to presence of glucose, fatty acids, amino acids, nucleotides, and purines. 

The earth was formed of dust particles and debris some 10 billion years ago. Theory suggests that humans evolved from nonliving chemicals which reacted to form the first cells. This happened because the gravitational pull of the earth prevented gases in the atmosphere from escaping into space. Volcanic gases in the atmosphere at that time included nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and carbon monoxide, but oxygen did not exist in yet.

After some time the earth began to cool and the condensation of water vapor turned to rain. From these water vapors trapped in the atmosphere heavy rains ensued for hundreds of millions of years, eventually forming the earth's oceans

Further along, other gases mixed with the oceans creating neucleotides and amino acids, organic compounds formed by the reactions of available energy such as volcanoes, meteorites, radioactive isotopes, lightning, and ultraviolet radiation. 

To test these theories, the reactions were simulated in 1953 by Stanley Miller using an apparatus resembling a closed system. Gases present in the early earth model were placed in the system and heated. As the gases cooled it produced a variety of small organic molecules, as was theorized. It is thought that small organic molecules joined to produce organic macromolecules. 

Two theories are hypothesized in the next step of evolutionary process. The RNA-first hypothesis states that one macromolecule RNA created the first cell. 

Because amino acids join when exposed to heat, the protein-first hypothesis suggests that amino acids that pooled in shallow areas eventually were exposed to sunlight creating proteinoids, small polypeptides. As the proteinoids were reintroduced to water, they formed microshperes, which have many of the cell properties.

It was further found that if a lipid is joined with a microsphere, a liquid protein membrane forms. Thus, a protocell could have formed. A protocell  can carry on the functions of metabolism, but is unable to reproduce. An environment of plentiful small organic molecules in the ocean could have provided food for the cells. These cells were most likely fermenters since oxygen did not exist in the atmosphere at that time. It is supposed that these cells were heterotrophs.

The next question is  how did the cells replicate? The replication of DNA is necessary for cell reproduction to occur. Enzymatic proteins are also required in cell divsion. Two theories were derive in order to answer this question. The RNA-first hypothesis suggests that the RNA genes could have specified protein synthesis, with some of the proteins resulting in forming enzymes. If the enzymes carried reverse transciptase it could possibly have served as a RNA template to forming DNA leading to the process of DNA replication. However, the protein-first hypothesis postulates that enzymatic synthesis evolved within the protocell, enabling DNA to synthesize from nucleotides in the ocean. Once in place, the DNA could then specify protein synthesis thus obtaining all the needed enzymes to replicate DNA.


II.  Biological Evolution

All living organisms today can be traced to the simplest cell forms. Some of the first cells (unicellular) without a nucleus are called prokaryotic cells. Cells evolved to having a nucleus are called eukaryotic cells. From these basic cell forms multicellularity emerged. Further along, life forms evolved such as fishes, then plants and animals.

There are two aspects important to the process of biological evolution. They are descent from a common ancestor and adaptation to the environment. Tracing all living things back, we realize all living things share the same chemistry and cellular structure. Adaptation accounts for the diversity in living things resulting from survival in different conditions.

The theory of evolution was formulated by Charles Darwin, an English naturalist. During his travels he documented the diversity of life forms. Based on fossil remains, anatomical and biogeographical characteristics he surmised that life forms changed over time.

Today fossil remains are still being studied as it provides some of the best evidence for evolution. Fossils are most commonly found in sedimentary rock. Sediments provide recognizable layers that develop over time giving paleontologist a way of dating the remains. A process called mineralization preserves the bony parts of life forms. The fossils and data gathered by paleontologists create a fossil record shaping the history of life, ancient climates, and environments. A substantial amount of data has been acquired to form the branch of science called paleontology.

As previously mentioned, all life evolved from simple to complex forms. Nonflowering plants existed before flowering plants, and amphibians existed before reptiles and dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are directly linked to birds and indirectly linked to mammals.

Fossil remains of species that have the characteristics of two differing groups are called transitional fossils. These fossils are important to determining how evolution occured. One such example is the ambulocetus natans, a walking whale that swims. It was long thought that whale evolved from land creatures. 

Other measures used to support the theory are biogeographical evidence, anatomical evidence, and biochemical evidence. Biographical evidence suggests that life forms evolved from a particular environment and then spread from there. This distribution of plants and animals to different places throughout the world explains why unique species can be found in isolated areas. There are many species of finch in the Galapagos. To explain this, the finch migrated from the mainland and in isolation and adaptation evolved into a different species. 

Anatomical evidence suggests common ancestry among organisms that share similar anatomical characteristics. Similarity in structure known as homologous structures indicates a shared common descent. For example, horses, humans, whales, and cats have similar forelimbs. Yet, these limbs perform different functions. Different structures that perform the same function are called analogous structures and do not share common ancestry. Another anatomical characteristic that supports evidence of evolution are vestigial structures. In some animals the presence of bone structures that seemingly provide no function such as the pelvic girdle in whales and the tail bone in humans give clues to the evolutionary process of the organisms ancestry. It is thought the the anatomical structures provided a function in earlier species. Also, in embryonic stages, vertebrates share common characteristics although they mature into different life forms.  

Common to most life forms are the similar use of biochemical molecules including DNA, ATP, and various enzymes. Genetic and biochemical evidence supports the idea that humans share a large number of genes with simpler organisms and that diversity exists by a slight difference in the regulation of genes. A way of determining common descent is in examining the DNA base sequences and amino acid sequences of proteins for similarities. 

Natural selection supports the evolutionary theory of species. Of an existing species, the traits that are better suited for survival are naturally selected in subsequent generations to ensure survival through adaptation. Thus this process is called natural selection. For example, among a group of giraffe, the one's with a longer neck where able to forage for food that perhaps were out of reach for the shorter necked giraffe, thus this increased it survival potential. Traits that aren't beneficial become less common. Natural selection results from variation, competition for limited resources, and adaptation.  

III. Classification  of Humans

The classification of organisms is derived from the relatedness of evolutionary descent. An organisms binomial name gives it's genus and species. Within the same domain organisms share only one general characteristic, but those in the same genus have more specific common characteristics. From classification we are able to determine a organisms evolutionary relationship. A diagram similar to a family tree depicts the evolutionary path of an organism. As different branches form representing new life forms, the ones that share the branches closest to the trunk are more closely related. Through the use of DNA research and the study of rRNA sequences scientists determined of the three domain system of classification including bacteria, archaea, and eukarya, humans are more closely related to fungi than to plants.

Humans are primates of the anthropoid suborder. Primates have two suborders. The prosimians include lemurs,tarsiers, and lorises and the anthropoids are another, including monkeys, apes, and humans. Some similarities we share among primates are mobile limbs for grasping and five fingers and toes. Depth perception in vision is also another trait we share. Apes and humans are able to see green, blues, and reds because we have three different cone cells. Human have complex brains which evolved to be larger in size. The expansion of the cerebral cortex grew larger as more complex visual and coordination skills increased. Single births are the norm for primates.

Chimpanzee and humans genomes are 99% identical. The 1% resulting in speech, hearing, smell, and anatomical differences. Humans are structured to walk upright and chimpanzee rest on their knuckles.

IV. Evolution of Hominoids

It is was once thought that humans evolved from apes. Fossil records now tell us that apes and humans shared a common ancestor about 7 million years ago. This being so, we are then distant cousin's having evolved as contemporaries.

The first hominoid of fossil records has not been determined. To determine the divergence of a lineage, at first genes and proteins are nearly identical but as time passes each lineage acquires genetic changes. With molecular data genetic changes give clues to the relatedness of the two groups and possibly the time of divergence.

Anatomical features are used to determine if a fossil is hominoid. One feature is bipedal posture referring to an upright stance. The other is facial features. Human's have a flatter face, more noticeable chin, a shorter jaw, and smaller teeth than apes. The third is brain size. Consequently, the bipedal posture is the most prominent feature.

The earliest fossils of hominoids date back to 7 mya when the ape and human lineages split. it is known that the hominoid line began with the australopithecines, a species that evolved and diversified in Africa. This species was first discovered in southern Africa in the 1920's. It walked upright and lived around 1.5 mya to 2.8 mya. In eastern Africa a hominoid called A. afarensis was discovered more than 20 years ago. It stood upright and walked bipedally, although it's brain was small. Because it was more ape like above the waist and more human like below the waist the evolutionary process that accounts for different parts changing at different rates is called mosaic evolution.

V.  Evolution of Humans

To classify a fossil to the genus Homo there are three criteria. First the brain must be 600cm3 or greater, and secondly the jaw and teeth must resemble those of humans. Lastly, there must be evidence of tool use.

The early Homo habilis lived between 2.0 and 1.9 mya and were possibly the ancestors to humans. They had a brain size of 775 cm3 and had smaller cheek teeth, therefore it is likely that they were omnivores who ate plants as well as meats. These hominoids also used tools to cut or scape meat and bones. their skulls showed enlarged portions of the brain related to speech. From this it is thought that this ability to speak led to hunting and gathering cooperatively. As a result society and culture could have began. It is further speculated that the formation of culture could have hastened the extinction of the australopithecines.

Another species the Homo erectus dated back to 1.9 mya and 0.3 mya. These fossil remains were found in Africa, Asia, and Europe. It is known that this species  was the first to use fire and more advanced tools.

Homo floresiensis was discovered in Bali in 2003 and might have became extinct 12,000 years ago due to a volcanic eruption. Interestingly they are small with brain sizes one-third that of human's. Further research is continuing to understand this species unique characteristics.

Homo sapiens the name for modern humans, evolved from Homo erectus. The hypothesis that Homo sapiens evolved in several different locations is called multi regional continuity hypothesis. Opposition to this theory state that different places would have produced genetic variations. Instead, they hypothesized that Homo sapiens evolved from Homo erectus in Africa and within the past 100,000 years migrated elsewhere suggesting that humans are more genetically similar. Most recent studies tend to support the out-of-Africa hypothesis.

Neandertals date back to 200,000 years BP. They were inhabitants of Europe and Asia during the last Ice Age. In accordance with the out-of-Africa theory they were replaced by modern humans. Their brain was slightly larger than ours and evidence suggests that they were culturally advanced. They used tools and perhaps built homes. The use of fire for cooking and warmth is also evident. Also, they buried their dead and were capable of thinking symbolically.

Cro-magnons are most similar to modern humans and possibly entered Europe and Asia 100,000 BP or earlier. Cro-magnons might have replaced  Neandertals in Middle East before spreading to Europe. They also produced tools and might have been the first to use language. Their culture included art found on the cave walls in Spain and France.

Lastly, current  variations among people of different locale is known as ethnicities. It is found that genotypes of different modern populations are extremely similar. Protien and DNA sequences show a common ancestor within the last 1 million years. There is little anatomical and biochemical differences among population.

Global Ecology and Human Inferences

I.   The Nature of Ecosystems

In a community the interactions among species can be beneficial, damaging, or neutral. This co-evolving can take the form of: benefitting both species (symbiotic), benefitting one species without harm to the other (commensal), the use of one species of another where both benefit in the long term (mutualism), when one species is the host and the other the parasite (parasitic), and/or when one species is the prey and the other the predator (predatory).

The ecosystem encompasses the entirety of physical and chemical interactions among organisms in a biosphere. Among these the human ecosystem is one of the most complex. It encompasses social, cultural, political, and biophysical relationships. The biosphere is maintained by the entirety of these interactions. 

Different geographical locations produce several distinct terrestrial ecosystems called biomes which are classified by temperature and rainfall. Deserts vary in temperature and do not have much rainfall. Tropical rain forests have moderate temperatures and plenty of rainfall and tropical grasslands are hot with moderate rainfall. Temperate grassland or prairies have low to high temperatures and not much rainfall. The taiga receives moderate rainfall and low temperatures. And the tundra has the lowest temperatures with moderate rainfall.

The major aquatic systems are subdivided by into freshwater and saltwater. Marine ecosystems comprise of 70% of the earth's waters. Marine ecosystems near the coast have the richest ecosystems.

The components of an ecosystem are made up of abiotic, non-living things and biotic, which are living things. Biotics are autotrophs or heterotrophs. Autotrophs are considered producers since they need inorganic nutrients and an outside energy source to produce organic nutrients. Photosynthetic oraganisms like algae   produce organic nutrients for the biosphere. Needing an organic source of nutrients hetetrophs are consumers. An example of hetetrophs ae herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores. Herbivores feed only on plants or algae. Carnivores consume other animals, and omnivores feed on both animals  and plants.

Other organisms feed on decomposing particles or matter. Decomposers known as detritus feeders are valuable since they are able to release inorganic substances that are taken up by plants. For instance, fungi, mushrooms, and bacteria get nutrients by breaking down organic matter and release inorganic substances back into the ecosystem. 

II.  Energy Flow

An important aspect of the interactions within an ecosystem is energy flow and chemical cycling. Energy flow refers to the continual flow of absorption of solar energy via photosynthesis to produce organic nutrients for themselves or others in an ecosystem. Chemical cycling occurs when inorganic nutrients are returned to the producers from the atmosphere or soil. As nutrients pass from one population to another much of the energy used for cellular respiration is dissipated as heat into the environment. The wastes and death of an organism become the nutrients for decomposers. Decomposers convert organic nutrients into inorganic chemicals which are released into the atmosphere or soil. The inorganic chemicals are then absorbed by the producers which perpetuates the cycle.

To illustrate the interconnectedness of organisms energy flow can be depicted in a food web diagram. A diagram the describes the feeding relationships of organisms. The grazing food webs shows the connection of vegetation eaten by herbivores that in turn become food for carnivores. The detrital food webs start with the decomposers and can also be eaten by carnivores so these two webs are also interlinked.

A food chain shows a single path of which animal eats which. It can be depicted as a straight line, whereas a food web shows the relationships of how plants and animals are connected. A food chain shows a path of which an animal finds food.  

Trophic levels describe the position that an organism occupies in a food chain. This means all the organisms that feed at a particular link in the food chain. Thus, the first level are primary consumers, the second level are secondary consumers, and so forth. As described previously, every time there is an exchange of energy between one level and another, there is a significant loss of energy. A pyramid best displays this dynamic.  For example grass would be at the bottom and a mountain lion would be at the top. Each level implies a loss of energy and efficiency. The pyramid model does not portray factors such as changes in reproduction and consumption.

III. Global Biochemical Cycles

Biochemical cycles represent the pathways which chemicals circulate which involve biotic and nonliving geological components. There are two cycles, gaseous and sedimentary. In a gaseous cycle, as in carbon and nitrogen, the element returns to and is withdrawn from the atmosphere as a gas. In a sedimentary cycle or phosphorus cycle, chemical is absorbed from the soil by plant roots, then passed to heterotrophs, and eventually returned to the soil by decomposers.

Pollution in the environment can result from human activities such as industry and mining since it changes the balance of nutrients in the environment. 

The Water Cycle- refers to the transfer rate of water in an ecosystem. This cycle is created by evaporations from bodies of water, land, and plants, followed by condensation and rainfall back to streams, oceans or land.

The Carbon Cycle- is a complex cycle involving the exchange of carbon in the atmosphere, terrestrial biosphere, oceans, and sediments. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is utilized by producers and converted to organic molecules used to feed other organisms. The burning of fossil fuels by humans greatly impacts the environment. Global warming is the result of the increase greenhouse gases, trapped COs. Imbalances can cause changes in sea level and weather due to warming effects.

The Nitrogen Cycle- is important to plants. It is not directly used by plants and is a nutrient that limits the amount of growth in an ecosystem. Nitrogen is plentiful in the air and through the actions of bacteria and algae become a part of biological matter. Bacteria in aquatic systems and in the soil are able to convert nitrogen to ammonium. This process is called nitogen fixation. Some plants form nodules on the roots where nitrogen fixation takes place converting nitrogen to ammonium which is used by plants. Plants also use nitrates and and it's production during the cycle is called nitrification. Soil bacteria converts ammonium back to nitrites, and nitrate producing bacteria convert nitrites to nitrates. to complete the cycle nitrate is converted to nitrogen gas by dentrifying bacteria in lakes, bogs, and estuaries. This means that dentrification counterbalances nitrogen fixation.

Fertilizers used by humans significantly the balance in such ways such as run off.

The Phosphorus Cycle- reservoir is ocean sediments. Phosphate is also a limiting nutrient in ecosystems. It is made available by the exposure of sedimentary rock through geological upheaval or natural weathering of rocks. In soil, plants use phosphate in molecules for ATP and nucleotides that become part of DNA and RNA. Animals that feed on producers take in phosphate for teeth and bones. Upon death phosphate ions are once again recycled.

Cultural eutrophication the overenrichment of waterways is created by excess amounts of nitrogen and phosphates from runoffs of fertilizer and detergents. Other hazards that impact the ecosystem are disease causing agents, pesticides, industrial chemicals, heavy metals, and radioactive substances. Biological magnification refers to the process whereby increased concentrations of these hazardous substances are absorbed along the food chain in organisms because it sits in the body. 

Human Population, Planetary Resources, and Conservation

I.   Human Population Growth

Humans are the largest population of large mammals on earth. Strong human intervention is present in almost every part of our planet. Population growth is one factor that impacts our environment. 

Human population growth continued to rise steadily after 1750 and in the 1950's took a steep upward increase followed by exponential growth. It peaked around 1990 with an annual growth of 87 million. To determine growth rates we take the number of those born in a year and subtract the the number of those who died within the year. Growth rate is affected by conditions. Ideal conditions create growth and diminished food and space can cause decline. The population levels off when carrying capacity is reached. Currently this capacity has not been determined.

The living standards of the worlds population can be defined in two groups. More developed countries (MDC) and less developed countries (LDC). At present the MDC's are actually decreasing in size. On the other hand the population in the US is continuing to grow at .6% because of immigration and a high percentage of women still of reproductive age.

In contrast LDC's are seeing increases in growth rate due to better healthcare, reducing mortality, and increased birthrates. Future population is expected to increase in Africa and Asia. Water scarcity, loss of biodiversity, and pollution are growing concerns in Asia because 56% of the world's population inhabit the locale.

The use of age structure diagrams illustrate the momentum of population growth. These diagrams show future growth by assessed the number of persons in preproductive, reproductive, or postproductive stages.   

II.  Human Use of Resources and Pollution

There are five resources widely used and important to humans. These include land, water, food, energy, and minerals. All living things affect the ecosystem. Our lifestyle and how we use our resources, that is the amount one consumes and the amount of waste a person produces defines one's ecological footprint. How we determine the use of these resources will reflect our co-evolution within our ecosystem. Humans utilize nonrenewable and renewable resources. Nonrenewable resources are slow to replenish and through extensive use can run out. Renewable resources are considered more abundant or capable of replenishing naturally. 

Land is needed for agriculture, homes and civilizations needs. The diversity of land include beaches, deserts, and rainforests. Human activities alter landscapes by habitation, leading to erosion, deforestation, and desertification. 

Water is essential to life on earth. Seventy percent of the world's freshwater is used for agriculture. In some areas  water use exceeds the renewable supply. Depletion of groundwater and aquifers are a growing concern around the world. Methods for conserving water are often encouraged on the local level. Some ways to conserve involve planting drought tolerant plant species especially in arid climates. Using drip irrigation and incorporating systems that reuse water.

Food is a resource sustained by agriculture, livestock and fishing. Modern methods of agriculture has yielded larger food supplies. Unfortunately, some methods have also produced detrimental effects such as pollution from pesticides and fertilizer, monoculture, drain on water supply, and heavy fuel consumption. We affect natural selection by the crops we choose to grow. Domestication of species is the result of our co-evolving relationship with our biological and physical landscape. Genetically engineered crops have been produced in hopes of larger yields and resistance to cold and pests. Raising livestock requires more energy to produce than other foods. Raising livestock requires fossil fuel, water, fertilizer, and nearby waterways are greatly affected by runoff of wastes. 

Energy is used for transportation, heating homes, etc. We use renewable and nonrenewable sources. Fossil fuels are considered nonrenewable and contribute to greenhouse effects. Renewable resources include hydropower, geothermal, wind, and solar.

Minerals are another resource that is widely used for commercial and industrial use. The extraction of minerals from the earth and causes erosion, loss of vegetation, and toxic runoff. This resource is nonrenewable and include, ore, diamonds, uranium, etc. Other health hazards and concerns include the build up of organic chemicals and solid wastes because there is limited land and water to dispose of these materials.

III. Biodiversity

Biodiversity accounts for the variety of life forms on earth. It represents the various species of plants, animals, and microorganisms, and the diversity of genes within a species. The various ecosystems on this planet such as deserts, rainforests, coral reefs, and savannas are all part of a biologically diverse earth. A diversity of species ensures recovery and prevention promoting balance in a ecosystem. From nature we derive medicines to treat illnesses and disease. We also grow plants and vegetable for consumption. Our choice of agriculture and methods have a direct affect on our ecosystem. Thus, many factors indirectly influence our environment. The ability of an ecosystem to recycle waste, water, and the balance of biochemical cycles are all important to preventing the deterioration and extinction of species.   


IV. Working Toward a Sustainable Society

Conservation and sustainable development strategies attempt to address habitat loss, pollution, the impact of non native species, exploitation, and disease. Sustainable development and consumption helps to avert ecological problems. Management of resources and awareness of preservation helps to insure the viability of future generations. To achieve this change, renewable energy and recycling is encouraged. 

Sustainability is also determined by our relationship to food and other resources. This relationship directly and indirectly affects our quality of life. Thus, how we co-evolve is dependent on our domesticate relationships with our physical and biological landscape.   
